
We try to serve and find a business marketing solution for each and every professional in weddings and events, regardless how big or small your project may be, either you aim to develop an international luxury wedding & event niche for your country/region/city or to promote your privately owned villa in Tuscany, or to enter the luxury wedding segment, being a wedding photographer, destination wedding planner, designer…
Therefore, we can offer you our wedding and event business consulting and marketing services as marketing packages or marketing services list.

Online Business Consultation

Professional instructions on possible topics:

Social media
Sales Process

Fee: 300 EURO/60 minute Zoom call

Marketing & Sales Audit

Marketing Audit & Sales Audit deal with analysis and troubleshooting of:

Corporate identity
Social media
Sales Process
Advertising & PR

As a result of this service, you will receive a roadmap which will lead you to achieve your business goals.

Fee: 1500 EURO | Duration: 1 month

Advertising & PR

(B2B Promotion & B2C Marketing)

B2B email marketing & email campaigns to 1.000+ planners
Sales presentations and offers (B2B and B2C) to be created
WEMA Global social media to be featured on

Instagram – 1 time in the feed and Story
Facebook – 1 time in the feed and Story
LinkedIn – 1 time in the feed

Fee: 500 EURO  | Duration: 3 months

Venues Basic
(B2B Promotion & B2C Marketing)
(for hotels and venues)

B2B email marketing & email campaigns (quarterly Newsletters) to 1.000+ planners
Sales presentations and offers (B2B and B2C) to be created
Wedding Venues Directory placement
WEMA Global and Wedding Venues Directory social media to be featured on

Instagram – 6 times in the feed and 6 times in Story
Facebook – 6 times in the feed and 6 times in Story
LinkedIn – 6 times in the feed

Fee: 1500 EURO | Duration: 12 months

(B2B Promotion & B2C Marketing)
(for hotels and venues)

Unique promotion of your property for weddings with active involvement of international destination wedding planners & international destination photographers, which includes:

  • exclusive styled photoshoot;
  • creation of presentation for sales, based on the materials;
  • B2B marketing & email campaigns to 1.000+ planners using created presentation;
  • Social media posting of photoshoot materials with credits by destination wedding planners
  • Featuring on WEMA Global social media: Instagram – 1 time in the feed and 1 time in Story; Facebook – 1 time in the feed and 1 time in Story; LinkedIn – 1 time in the feed

Fee: 1500 EURO

Social Media Marketing

You can choose among 2 packages of Social Media Marketing Services:


Customized strategy
Design or Re-design of Social Media
Hashtag structure
Set up of Social Media
Social Media Marketing Management (Feed & Story)
Dedicated Social Media Marketing Manager

Fee: 600 EURO/month


Customized strategy
Design or Re-design of Social Media
Hashtag structure
Set up of Social Media
Social Media Marketing Management (Feed & Story)
Dedicated Social Media Marketing Manager
Meta ADs campaigns

Fee: 1200 EURO/month

Website Development

Website Development Services include:

Content creation
Media selection
Website construction on WordPress
SEO optimization

Fee: 3500 EURO | Duration: 3 months

Corporate Identity Design

Logo Design
Brand colors selection
Fonts Selection
Guidelines for any photos used in marketing materials
Graphic Elements
Business Cards
Email Signatures

Fee: 2000 EURO | Duration: 2 months

Sales Improvement

Sales funnel strategy
Sales process stages
Sales procedures
Sales procurement
Presentation and sales proposals (B2B and B2C)
Sales training programs for the team

Fee: 3000 EURO | Duration: 3 months

Promotional Events Organisation & Management

FAM trips planning
Buyers (planners) selection
Program creation
Buyers management
Promotional event coordination

Fee: 5000 EURO | Condition: Inquiries are accepted minimum 3 months in advance

Your In-house Marketing Team

A complete package of marketing services (strategic, operational, creative) & business consulting services which include:

Marketing audit and sales audit of your event industry business project
Marketing and sales strategy creation, based on audit results
Step-by-step implementation of marketing and sales strategy
Sales improvement
Social media marketing services (design, hashtag structure, set up)
Website development services (design, content creation, SEO)
Corporate identity design
Unlimited business consulting services

Fee: from 2000 EURO/month | Duration: 6-12 months depending on the set goals and general load of work